Education for
Visual and Social
Contemplative Inquiry
I create and collaborate on exhibits, workshops and programs that invite participants into a
contemplative encounter with visual, social and spiritual modes of being.
The creative process in my work as a visual artist has many parallels with the practice of popular education central to my work in the movement for social justice:
- deep observation of experience;
- reflection;
- analysis and construction of meaning;
- collaboration;
- and the creation of actions that, in a cyclical process, undergo observation and reflection.
The continuous and multi-layered flow of these fundamental dynamics form a spiral of inquiry and learning on which I base the designs of workshops, courses of study, community based projects, and ideas for collective endeavors.
My work as a visual artist, as an educator and as a builder of social justice all rest on the same foundation: the cultivation and exploration of how we form inquiries that shape our navigation in the many worlds of existence.
Upon that foundation I create an engagement with the substance of the distinct work at hand, be it the properties of materials, the structures of meaning, or systems of power.